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In our Beginner Program Level 1 Training Manual you will be taught how to safely bounce on the trampoline, as well as some of the important builders to prepare you for more complex movements offered in Level 2.  This is geared for the young athlete just starting out. Simple & Easy​!


Includes: Over 25 Training Videos Basic Beginner Skills, Including Proper Bouncing, Landing Positions & Builders and Traditional Trampoline Emphasis On Safety.

GRT Training Level 1

  • Disclaimer

    We always advise using a coach while training on trampoline and encourage you to seek out help as you progress.  This progarm is meant as a general guide and in no way encompasses all the steps you could possibly take with a coach. By downloading this program, which is proprietary to the GRT Network, you agree to not reproduce, copy, distributte or share any of the videos or written materials in any format, without prior written consent. 

    The user of this manual and linked videos agrees to hold harmless the Freestyle Trampoline Association, GRT Network Inc, Greg Roe any any associates or partners of the above stated parties from liability and understands they follow this program voluntarily at at their own risk. 

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